Category: Marketing

Goodbye sleep, I am now the proud owner of a Kindle

Goodbye sleep, I am now the proud owner of a Kindle

I knew it would happen like this, I knew that as soon as I opened up the box I could kiss goodbye to the 5 hours sleep a night that I have been averaging since…
Top of the Twops

Top of the Twops

*disclaimer, I removed myself from all lists to make room for those whose egos need more massaging ;) I have to admit that I don’t follow many at the very top, I’m not a big…

Things that caught my eye on Twitter in January

Gary Glitter appeared on Twitter You would be forgiven for thinking that Gary Glitter would stay well away from the internet so when his ‘official account’ popped up, the Tweetsphere was shaken. Critics claimed…
My quick DIY guide for marketing your business for FREE

My quick DIY guide for marketing your business for FREE

I'm loving WordPress today. The beautiful thing about online marketing these days is that you really can do it all yourself.  Not only can you develop and write your own site having complete control over…
Long live Social Media

Long live Social Media

I don't watch the News any more for two reasons.  Firstly, it's depressing, sensationalist and upsetting and secondly because I can get my News stories direct through Twitter and from sources that I consider to…
How Myspace saved my life

How Myspace saved my life

MySpace gets a slamming these days (not unfairly) but I first fell in love with Social Media in 2004 when MySpace saved my life. At the time I was a Promoter / Booker for a…
The theory of the Purple Cow

The theory of the Purple Cow

I met an interesting guy at #purleybreakfastclub called Jason @GiraffeBanners he was having an in-depth conversation with Ian from The Jolly Farmers about a Purple Cow... It was my first foray into the world of networking…