10 reasons why you should kill your television
A month ago we took a leap into the unknown (at least since our 20s). We decided to get rid of our Virgin box and relinquish ourselves from the millstone around our neck commonly know…
Heart of the Community Awards, Sept 2014
Last night I attended the Croydon Heart of the Community Awards, an award set up by the Croydon Advertiser to assist people working hard to make a difference in the community in Croydon. I was…
The bees knees - children's activities in Croydon
It's my first proper summer holiday as a Mum, I had six weeks of entertaining the kids ahead of me, admittedly, most of it has been strategically planned with trips to see far away friends…
Don't upset the parents
I committed the cardinal sin today and parked in a family bay at Sainsbury's with no baby. Before all you parents start throwing used nappies at me, I have to add that I did it…
Take a Croydon Tour
There are a lot of people singing the praises of Croydon on Twitter but the Tweeter that caught my attention in January @CroydonTours When the tours were announced on Twitter there were lots of positive responses…
4 things I learnt about running a kids birthday party
My son was 2 on Saturday and I decided to try my hand at organising a kids party, I have put on hundreds of events for adults over the years - how hard could it…